Site Accessibility

Providing access to information for all users, especially those with a disability, is really important to us. If there is information on this site in a format you cannot access or if you experience any other accessibility difficulties, please contact us.

Web Standards

Murray Valley Centre is committed to providing a web standards compliant, and accessible web site to the widest possible audience.
 This web site aims to conform to Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2 (WCAG 2.0), developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

We have also followed applicable parts of the Australian Government Digital Transformation Office’s Digital Service Standard for Australian Government agencies. This means:

  • Our website is designed to use a consistent and responsive design. This allows the site to work across a wide range of desktop, mobile and tablet browsers. The site has also been designed to work effectively with accessibility hardware and/or software.
  • Our website is built using open standards. This helps us meet the needs of our users by building with proven technology solutions based on the Open Web Platform standards
  • Links are friendly URLs and have meaningful link text which can be read by screen readers.
  • Images on this site have meaningful alternative ‘alt’ tags and description which can be read by screen readers.
  • All navigation on this site is fully accessible without Javascipt, Cascading Style Sheets or graphical images.
  • ‘Skip to Content’ links are available to navigate through pages and sections on the website. Please note that Skip-to-links are invisible on the site but they can be tabbed
  • You can search our website using a built in search engine.
  • This website includes proper use of headings that can be navigated through depending on the navigation settings of your screen reader.
  • We test out site regularly from end to end to make sure that standards and consistency are maintained.
  • We measure how our web site is used and look for way to expand and improve it.

Downloadable Content

Our website has a limited number of documents that cannot be provided in HTML format. To assist users to download and share web content, some documents are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). We have taken steps to ensure, where possible, that alternate formats are available.

Portable Document Format (PDF)

These files contain both text and images. A PDF file always ends in .pdf.

 You need a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and access the information contained within PDF files.
 If you do not have a PDF reader you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge. 

Adobe publishes a guide detailing how users can access PDF Documents with Assistive Technology

Using this website

Adjusting the text size

You can make the text size on this website larger or smaller using either the text resizing options in the header of the website or by following these keyboard commands:

  1. Hold down the CTRL key (Microsoft Windows and Linux) or the Command Key (Mac OS X) on the on your keyboard
  2. Use the + or – key, or scroll with your mouse wheel to make text bigger or smaller

Keyboard based Navigation

This website allows keyboard-based navigation.

Use these common keyboard commands to navigate web pages without a mouse. Some keystrokes may not work with every Internet browser.

IF you want to… THEN select
Move forward from link to link or to controls Tab
Move backward from link to link or to controls Shift + Tab
Select buttons Spacebar
Navigate and select Radio Buttons Arrow
Select/deselect boxes Spacebar
Move from box to box Tab
Open a List Box ALT + Down arrow
Read the prior screen CTRL + Page Up
Read the next screen CTRL + Page Down
Go to the top of the page CTRL + Home
Go to the bottom of the page CTRL + End
Close the current window (in Internet Explorer) CTRL + W
Refresh the screen F5
Go back a page ALT + Left Arrow
Go forward a page ALT + Right Arrow
Navigate to & select the text in the address combo box ALT + D


The website was tested utilising the following tools and passed each test: